
News & Updates

Stay up to date with The College Dude Resources available. For content such as this blog, pre-recorded webinars, white papers & visuals check out this page. You won’t find better content on the web when it comes to financial aid planning or paying for college. For additional information on financial planning topics, check out Hyperion Financial.

Starting and Completing the CSS Profile

For parents and high school seniors alike,  the process of applying for financial aid for college can be overwhelming. My own mother (6 kids in 7.5 years), took this bull by the horns. I still admire in amazement what she was able to do. Learning this process and...

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Financial Aid with Divorced Parents

Financial Aid with Divorced Parents

For divorced parents who have college-bound children, figuring out how to pay for college can be a task. However, there are financial aid options available to divorced parents and their children to help make college more affordable. In this post, you will learn the...

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Can Financial Aid Be Used for Rent?

Can Financial Aid Be Used for Rent?

Can financial aid be used for rent?  It's a good question, and there are some complexities to it. In this post, we'll look at these complexities and provide you with everything you need to know about using financial aid to pay for rent. That said, it’s important...

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