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Stay up to date with The College Dude Resources available. For content such as this blog, pre-recorded webinars, white papers & visuals check out this page. You won’t find better content on the web when it comes to financial aid planning or paying for college. For additional information on financial planning topics, check out Hyperion Financial.

Tax Knowledge for your College-Bound Child

Tax Knowledge for your College-Bound Child

Paying for college for one or multiple children can be very costly. Making mistakes while doing so, or not properly understanding the process can make it worse. School choice, saving for college, financial aid, and loans are most commonly thought of as the ways to pay...

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Problems with the IRS Data Retrieval Tool

Problems with the IRS Data Retrieval Tool

If you have followed me in the past, you know that I write about properly paying for college. The net cost of college is made up of a number of different factors. But a large one is your Expected Family Contribution (EFC)/Student Aid Index (SAI). For reference, the...

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