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Power Of Attorney for College-Age Student

Power Of Attorney for College-Age Student

Kids. They grow up so fast. They eventually become adults and while you never stop parenting, you recognize they are responsible for their own decisions. It’s a tightrope parents have to walk as their children become teenagers. Dealing with the whole “independence”...

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Credit Card Payments for College

Credit Card Payments for College

I heard it asked on a couple occasions – can I pay for college with a credit card? Before you laugh and think it’s a terrible idea, I caution you to think it through for just a second. I would say it’s potentially a terrible idea. If certain criteria are met, it may...

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Private Liberal Arts Schools in Western PA

Private Liberal Arts Schools in Western PA

In the western part of the Keystone state, we have some great options for college. We covered a few of them with some of the technical schools and public schools, for example. But we also has some great options for private liberal arts schools in Western PA. Check out...

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Private Liberal Arts Schools in Central PA

Private Liberal Arts Schools in Central PA

As mentioned in prior posts, we have a good number of options in PA when it comes to higher education. We recently covered the options of private liberal arts schools in the Eastern part of PA (and another with southeastern PA). We also have numerous options of...

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