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Christian-Focused Colleges in PA

Christian-Focused Colleges in PA

For many parents & students, the right college environment is the priority. While there are many factors that go into choosing the right college, environment might be the most important. Parents and students who are concerned with an environment that reflects...

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PA Colleges & Universities Meeting Full Need

PA Colleges & Universities Meeting Full Need

There are roughly 200 options for higher education in PA, give or take. High school graduates have no shortage of options at their disposal. I previously covered public college & university options for PA residents. Paying for the school of their dreams? Well,...

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Public Colleges & Universities in PA

Public Colleges & Universities in PA

In Pennsylvania, there are numerous options to pursue higher education. One that should be considered for families that fit a certain criteria are the public colleges & universities. The state offers 39 well known colleges and universities available to PA...

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Student Loan Forgiveness for PA Residents

Student Loan Forgiveness for PA Residents

Student loan debt has dominated headlines recently - specifically at the federal level. The Supreme Court has heard oral arguments for Biden's forgiveness plan, and we'll await the outcome. For US borrowers, the impact will be felt. Sure, it makes receiving...

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